Experiments with Anomalous Cognition for Fun and Profit

ΨTF is a multidisciplinary technoetic project about radical and empirical exploration of psychic phenomena.

Our mission is to examine fringe theories and test them in practice, free from dogma and taboos,
and to have fun while doing so.

About ΨTF

Radical, empirical exploration of applied Psi-based Temporal Forecasting, aka "ΨTF". That is what this project is all about.

Wtf is "psi"?

Psi (Ψ) is the 23th letter of the Greek alphabet and the first letter of the Greek word ψυχή, meaning psyche (mind/soul).

It is the unknown factor in extrasensory perception and psychokinesis experiences that is not explained by known physical or biological mechanisms.

Remote Viewing (RV) is a form of protocolised, applied psi. It is a term coined by Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, parapsychology researchers at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), who went on to perform remote viewing experiments for the US military for 20 years. Some of the results of this $20 million research project (the "Stargate Project") have been declassified by the CIA since the 1990s.

Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) is a type of RV where the target one tries to "view" (typically an image) is associated with the actual target. This reduces "analytical overlay" (AOL), subjective interpretations of "the signal" and imagination that hinders accurate viewing. Also, this allows us to view abstract and numerical targets in the future, such as outcomes in financial markets.