Experiments with Anomalous Cognition for Fun and Profit

ΨTF is a multidisciplinary technoetic project about radical and empirical exploration of psychic phenomena.

Our mission is to examine fringe theories and test them in practice, free from dogma and taboos,
and to have fun while doing so.

Key values

As pioneers on the frontier of technology and parapsychology, we are venturing into the uncharted territories of the mind and the cosmos. We're on a quest to uncover the hidden links between consciousness and the physical world, a quest that marries the cutting edge of technology with the mysteries of the psyche. But in order to navigate this unique landscape, we need a compass to guide us.

These are our key values that will light our path:

  1. Curiosity.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

We believe in the power of curiosity, in questioning the status quo, and in fostering a sense of wonder. We encourage open inquiry and the suspension of disbelief, stepping beyond the constraints of traditional thinking. Leaving dogma and taboo behind, we embrace artful magical thinking and the (re-)cultivation of joy and wonder.

  1. Exploration

"To boldly go where no man has gone before." - Star Trek

Our curiosity fuels our exploration. We are committed to rigorously testing unorthodox ideas and finding real-world, practical applications for them.

  1. Transparency.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha

In a field where deception can easily take root, we strive for transparency to foster trust. We illuminate our work, regardless of whether it leads to success or failure.

  1. Collaboration.

"They should have sent a poet." - Contact (1997)

Understanding the vast expanse of parapsychology calls for diverse perspectives. We believe in collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach. We seek to build bridges between the arts and sciences, between the spiritual and the material, between the seen and the unseen.

  1. Courage.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

Venturing into the unknown requires courage. It takes bravery to ask difficult questions, challenge conventional wisdom, and also, to challenge beliefs within established fringe groups.